Thursday, May 15, 2008

Especially to Janet

This morning I received a call from Janet, who hails from Orange County, California. She's my devoted and imaginary reader who has followed my blog since the beginning of time.

She related a joke which she wanted me to post up. It really cracked me up. She claimed its original and I had no reasons to rebuke her claim. But in the unfortunate event that this is stolen material, I'm sorry. :P


A company was recruiting and posted an advertisement on the local newspaper. After scrutinizing through the list of applicants, the company requested 3 possible candidates to come for an interview.

In walked
candidate A who had black hair.

So the interviewer asked her,
"How many "D"s are there in Indiana Jones?" To which she promptly replied, "Just One". Pleased, the he asked candidate A to return home and wait for the results.

Candidate B was a brunette.

The interviewer repeated the question,
"How many "D"s are there in Indiana Jones?" She pondered over the question for a moment and then replied, "Only One". He did the same thing and sent candidate B home.

Lastly, up stepped
candidate C who was a blonde.

Pleased that the previous 2 candidates were able to give correct answers, the interviewer repeated the same question,
"How many "D"s are there in Indiana Jones?" She paused and thought long and hard over the question.

The interviewer patiently waited for her answer. 5 mins later she said,
"Could you lend me a calculator?" Stunned, he regained his composure and agreed to her bizarre request. A trusty calculator was handed to her.

Another 10 mins passed before she smiled, all gung ho and confidently replied,
"There are 72 "D"s in Indiana Jones." The shocked interviewer scratched his head and proceeded by asking, "Why do you say so?"

Even Mr. Jones smirked ....

Her reply was, "Deng deng deng deng .... deng deng deng .... deng deng deng deng ... deng ...." as she hums the tune of the Indiana Jones song.

The interviewer was lost for words ....



Go search for the tune if you can't recall it. :P

So Janet, here you go.

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Here's the song:

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