The immigration check point was swarming with tourist when we arrived. It took us approximately 1 hour to clear the lines. Do comb your hair before reaching the counter as you'll be required to smile into the webcam as they take a snapshot of you.
This snapshot will be used to authenticate the same person who enters Thailand, leaves with the same passport. What about those who enter Thailand to have plastic surgery on their facial features?
By the time we arrived at the city, it was merely 8.00 am. We were tired, smelly and in dire need of a bath.
However since we couldn't check-in to our room yet, we dropped our bags at the hotel and went outside in search for some tummy fulfilling nibbles.
Fortunately, we only went as far as 10 meters before we hit the jackpot. The street outside our hotel was bustling with push carts whipping out deliciously prepared hot food for the famished passerby.
The food had to be good as many locals picked up their breakfast before heading off to their destinations. However the hygiene levels of the provisions prepared at these stalls leaves a lot to be desired, due to its extreme proximity to the the cars passing by.
It was so near the passengers in the car could basically reach their hands out to grab their fares before zooming off.
But we weren't too worked up over hygiene, as long as the taste level is way up on the scoreboards.
The spicy fried pork was really spicy, enough to draw sweat from any chilli loving individuals. Coupled with some herbs and fried at just the right temperature, the result was magnificent.
Although consuming it in the searing heat did tear open all my sweat pores, I was soaked in sweat in no time. But I was a happy, wet man. ;p
Although consuming it in the searing heat did tear open all my sweat pores, I was soaked in sweat in no time. But I was a happy, wet man. ;p
The GF opted for this local version of Tang Hoon, with generous servings of sliced hotdog, vegetables, pork meat and pork balls.
Don't let the looks of it fool you. The spice factor is just as high for this dish. The difference being you'll only start tasting the spiciness after a short delay.
Correct method of consumption:
- Place 1 pork ball, 1 slice of hot dog, 20grams of pork meat & 1 leafy vegetable in your mouth.
- Mix it together with you tongue and give it 3 bites.
- Get 12 strands of Tang Hoon, swirl it around your fork.
- Slurp the Tang Hoon into your mouth with all the gusto you can muster.
- Voila.
After all that spiciness, wash it all down with a cool, fresh and refreshing coconut.
However you'll have to sit on the slab behind the push carts. An excellent way to experience an authentic Thai breakfast.
Technorati Tags: Bangkok, Pratunam, Food
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