AirAsia international and domestic sales is now on from 14-16 May. There are FREE tickets so be swift, be quick!
I have a dilemma though, which I hope to find a solution by the time I finish typing. Bear with me as I bitch a bit. This is what promotional sales does to a normal sane person, it sends mixed short-circuits to the brain and makes one delusional.
I intended to purchased flight tickets home for CNY via Gold Coast. I chose the dates and times .... Great! One way free the other way cheap. What luck! So I quickly typed in the neccessary particulars and just when I clicked the magic "SUBMIT" button for the last step, the server lags and jams up.
%$#*&^ ....
Innocently thinking it was just a server/computer glitch, I tried again. 4 refresh buttons, 3 foul words and 15 mins later, an AirAsia popup appeared.
"The ticket that you wanted to purchase is no longer available. Your credit card will not be charged"
WTF! I've always assumed that when the page requesting for passengers' particulars appears, that place is temporarily suspended for you. Its like dangling a carrot in front of you, after you peel the skin, wash your hands (Yeah I'm a hygienic wabbit :P) and just about to bite, they yank it away from you.
Just because I type slower than the other customers doesn't give you the right to snatch my "free" ticket away from the grasp of my hands! In some countries you'll hang for atrocities/daylight robberies like this.
In the end I still got my "free" ticket but 2 days earlier than planned. That'll cost me 2 days of my ever depleting annual leave. At least that's done.
Then I procedeed to book my KL-KCH tickets, and this was when things started going downhill. You know how AirAsia and all other airline companies use 24 hours system? Well I dislike and have never been able to comprehend this awkward system.
So it is really a chore for me to book airline tickets where I have to check and check then recheck the time again to avoid making mistakes like "15:25 = 5:25pm" :( The worst mistake I made was mistaking 9AM for 9PM and ended up at the airport like a "duku" 12 hours before my flight.
I'm veering away from the story, I deeply apologize.
After a million checks, I made the payment and to my absolute horror, I made a mistake. No no the time is correct because I've checked it like a trillion times. It's the date that I got mixed up. We'll end up in LCCT on the 20th but my ticket to KCH is on the 22nd. *shock*
And this is where my dilemma comes in. How am I going to break the news to the GF? Do I admit that I screwed up? Or do I act as if its intentional? I mean we had previously discussed about a possible KL trip to do some shopping ....
Now .... there are many ways to evaluate the situation. One is to be thankful my KCH ticket isn't due before I step foot in LCCT. Haha
Wait a minute. I remembered AirAsia had a system where you could ammend your bookings. So I checked .... and it would cost me RM150 to change the dates.
So let me breakdown my options to you:
- Act all macho and tell the GF that I intentionally booked the KCH flight 2 days later and stay in KL for 2 days as an unintended short trip.
- Tell the GF the truth and accept all consequences and stay in KL for 2 days as an unintended short trip.
- Pay the RM150 and go back KCH as planned.
- Forfeit the tickets, stay in Sydney for CNY and swear off booking airline tickets online forever.
I suck at this. :(
Technorati Tags: Stupid, Air Ticket, Kuching
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